Registration: Mobility Clinic in Sheffield

8th September, 2024
10:00 - 16:00

We are delighted to invite you to our user events running in the UK in 2024, in a variety of exciting locations across the nation. Whether you’re looking to enhance your walking or running skills, just want to experience the joy of movement, and want to meet other amputees in your local community, this is the perfect event for all prosthetic users. We believe that everyone–no matter their ability–should have an opportunity to thrive in the activities and sports they love.

Mobility clinics are a great opportunity for healthcare professionals who work closely with amputees and people with limb difference to learn and collaborate in a hands-on and professional environment. We’d be delighted to welcome you and your clients to a mobility clinic.

For Sheffield Mobility Clinic, we are partnering up with LimbPower to provide the Prepare to Move and Prepare to Run sessions, alongside our usual Mobility Clinic. These sessions will explore basic, intermediate and comprehensive mobility techniques.

When registering you will be asked to pick one of the three sessions to attend.
  • Prepare to Move (by LimbPower) – Learn the basics of moving with your prosthesis and develop your fitness to cope with the demands of using a prosthetic limb.
  • Mobility Clinic – Push your boundaries and gain more confidence while moving with your prosthesis in more challenging environments #Lifewithoutlimitations.
  • Prepare to Run (by LimbPower) – Participate in preparatory conditioning exercises and learn the foundations of running on a prosthetic limb.


English Institute of Sport Sheffield, Coleridge Road, Sheffield, S9 5DA

Register as an athlete if you are joining with a prosthesis, or as a healthcare buddy if you are a healthcare professional/coach.

Sign Up

Register here for the Mobility Clinic in Sheffield on the 8th September, 2024, at the English Institute of Sport Sheffield.

After registration, you agree to receive emails from Össur with regards to this event, as well as other similar future events.