Academy Webinar: AMPPro & AMPnoPro

Össur Academy offers a wide range of courses that are specifically designed to provide clinical professionals with the skills required to deliver exceptional outcomes to clients.

Find below our supporting documents compiled after the webinar hosted by Dr Bob Gailey.  


This tutorial will explain to you how to perform the Amputee Mobility Predictor, or otherwise known as the AMPPro. 

During this video we will show you how to use the AMPPro app. Please remember that the app is not mandatory. You can also perform the AMPPro test manually by using a printout of the supporting PDF documents below. 

For easy access to download the iPad app at a cost of $50, please follow this link. 


Click To Download The Supporting Documents Below

Amputee Mobility Predictor Form with Illustrations
Amputee Mobility Predictor Form
Amputee Mobility Predictor Study References 2019 
Bilateral Amputee Mobility Predictor Form

Össur South Africa